The view outside the "Devil's Throat". The cave has a river at the bottom of it that has no known source. Because of this, it is thought to be the River Styx.
You'll notice there are no pictures of the actual cave... this is because inside all pictures come out dark and look stupid and no one really appreciates them. So, let me tell you... the cave was dark and cold and there were creepy bats.
(And you're welcome for not posting annoying dark pictures.)
Me and Jessica after our 401 step climb out of the bottom of the cave. It was so steep!
Locals sit outside the cave and sell fresh fruit, honey, jams and herbs. My blueberries were delicious. Although, I thought it was weird that the tour guide kept referring to them as the "Rhodopi viagra".
View of the Rhodopi Mountains from the road
Most of the Southwesterners outside the cave
Me and Jill taking our stereotypical Tridelta picture.
being delta like again...
You can kind of see the waterfall next to the huge boulder... in person its a lot more impressive.